Workshops generally include playing by ear, learning to read rhythms, improvising, song accompaniment and part playing on concertina. Organised in such a way that it suits all level players. The mix of levels stimulates all to carry on practicing/playing after the workshop. It is all about how much fun it is to make music and shows that there is no boring practice time. But also about learning a lot and making progress.
Examples of workshops:
- Johan and Pauline at Swaledale Squeeze 2014
- impression workshop Swaledale Squeeze 2013
- Mini concert trio, workshop 2012, duet Alex/Pauline
- impression workshop 2012
- impression workshop 1, 30 August 2015, Schijndel NL
- impression workshop 2, 30 August 2015, Schijndel NL
- impression workshop 3, 30 August 2015, Schijndel NL
- impression workshop 4, 30 August 2015, Schijndel NL
- impression workshops Swaledale 2010
- impressiom workshops Swaledale 2011
- impression workshops Swaledale 2012
- impression workshops Swaledale 2013
- impression workshops Swaledale 2014
- impression workshops Swaledale 2015